Monday, March 1, 2010

New Generation

I believe my mid-life crisis is officially over. It lasted a long time huh! Ashley and I went to Auburn this past weekend and it totally made me realize how good I have it. Many things have changed but too much has remained the same. Throughout the trip, I consistently noticed things to be grateful for.
The first night we went to Supper Club where US Band was playing. I looked forward to this for quite a while. 80’s bands in Auburn were the shit when I attended. Man did I feel sorry for that band. Not only was the majority of the audience my mom’s age, but the other half barely new the words to any of the songs. Those guys try way too hard. Maybe they have always been that pathetic…it was my first time seeing them sober. They did get better towards the end of the night, however my alcohol level got higher too. I’m pretty sure that the lead singer is the only original member left. He should take that as a sign and retire. It was pretty fun making fun of them for a while. I thought they couldn’t get any more pitiable and then…they played Kings of Leon. Those poor eye lined, muscle shirt wearing, tight jeaned, longhaired, old men refuse to die. They know their audience is changing so they belt out a substandard version of Need Somebody and just about everyone laughed. As if it weren’t terrible on its own, the silly guitarist decided to lunge out and head bang throughout the entire song. If anyone is going through a mid-life crisis, it’s the crew of US Band.
One of the first things my sister asked when I talked to her after the weekend was: “Did any young boys hit on you?” and no they didn’t, which was just fine with me. I didn’t go there to make myself feel better by the number of times I got hit on. Many changes have been made to Auburn, but one thing that may never change is the desperate girls who search every corner of the bar looking for some guy to bring home in order to feel better about themselves. I was always the girl who swore to never get married until I was thirty, so I never relate to those who can’t stay single without freaking out. I’ve never valued myself strictly based on the attention of guys, but I’m definitely lucky to have Wes. I know that I do NOT want to be out in the dating world EVER again.
I was lucky to bunk with Sara, one of Ashley’s friends. She was extremely hospitable. However, I can’t say the same about her roommates. We met them, they said Hi, then not another word until we were leaving when we ran into one who commented “Heading out all ready?’ I’ve always been a person who could talk to a wall if needed. We both found them very odd. Sara wasn’t happy with how unfriendly her roommates were either. What’s worst, they hardly spoke to her all weekend. Supposedly, that’s their normal behavior. It’s not fair to say all of her roommates where that way. Amy did go out with us the first night and drove us home after Sara wanted to turn in early. Once again, I’m lucky to have Wes. He’s definitely the best roommate I’ve ever had. Granted, I can only compare him to either my parents or my sister.
It was both awesome and sad at the differences in Auburn. On one hand campus now has an amazing new coliseum, luxurious student center, and new sorority dorms that make me want to redo my sorority experience (well I can’t go quite that far). Then there’s the other hand…Bodegas is now called The Bank Vault, Highlands turned into a disco and then went out of business, we can no longer get cheap Long Island Ice Teas at Botchers, and the Strutin’ Duck has moved into the Ole’ Auburn Alehouse location. All the good hole in the wall bars are metro. Even Mamma G’s has traded in its ripped up pool table and barely functioning toilet for more tables and even more franchised locations. Everything’s going corporate or is frat-boyed up. I wish that time had stood still there but you can stop progress, so until later…
If it’s all gonna happen sometime…then why not now?