Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Three Years Today

     Why is it that work places don’t think you have a family to get to until your married? Then, when you finally do get a significant other you’re not considered a family until you have children to account for. When that happens, what will it be next? We won’t be considered a family till we have grand children.
     Today Wes and I celebrate our third anniversary. However, that is a hard quest since he is currently 389 miles away in Augusta. I do understand that sometimes things are impossible to get around but four weeks ago when Wes was down there and they began to start talking about when to schedule this little meeting they have to have he specifically told them that it was his anniversary and asked to push it back or move it forward at least one day. They douche bag who’s running this show then said, “Oh well, it won’t be the last one you’ll miss”. I’m normally a good sport about these things. I don’t celebrate Valentines day or expect a big deal on the anniversary of our first time meeting, kiss, date, time meeting the parents, engagement, or any other stupid significant thing dumb girls make a big deal about. This, however, pisses me off just a tad. I’m not mad at Wes. He can’t help his company doesn’t support TRUE monogamy. They enjoy it much more when people are screwing the help or making a joke out of the idea of marriage by sleeping around and then sending out save the date & wedding invites. They actually help out this type of behavior by comp-ting the hotel rendezvous bill as a work trip of or sending the two adulterous out on job site together. Even the old farts who have been married for a lifetime just simply have to ask for a hot piece of ass to work under them and *POOF*…wish granted. It makes my stomach turn just thinking about it.
     This is not the only double standard. When Wes and I got married three years ago today, he had just been moved to Nashville to work in the office. Wes isn’t very good at playing the political game or knowing the coming things to do. Because of this, instead of inviting the whole office like most would do, Wes wanted to only invite people he had actually worked with and was personal with. He didn’t want people to feel as if they had to buy us a present because they were invited or the opposite and think that we only invited them because we wanted a present. Through the years we just assumed that is why there was no office pool taken to get us a group present. Just as well with us. We didn’t get married because of monetary value anyway. Then, We thought they only pooled for people who actually worked in the office. That theory was trashed later when Wes was pooled for money for a guy on job site he had maybe met once and being the nice guy he, Wes never thought twice before reaching into his pocket. This is all fine and dandy, but this past week we gathered for John Morton’s wedding in Savannah and do you think there was any pool going around for it…NO! Wes even said he through out the idea and nothing was said about it. Granted, Wes isn’t exactly the most persistent. He knows times are hard right now, but we couldn’t even get most people to get off their ass an join us to celebrate here in Nashville for the guy. This is someone who’s been in the company years before Wes even started and most would agree that we never expected John to get married, so this act is nothing short of a miracle. Thank God for Jessica is all I have to say. It's these same office politics that has this company fighting to keep one persons' job and absolutely no problem firing the other. I get it...politics are in every work force but, what if you got to where you were based only on your work ethic. Wouldn't it be a better place. God forbid you have to work for what you get or actually work at all. People are so stuck on having someone else there to bail them out, there's no need to strive for excellence anymore. That statement alone sums up how America got in the situation it's in at this moment!
     This company has never put family first in my eyes. True once a year for Christmas they get us all together and celebrate how patient the wives are for putting up with them sending our husbands off and blah blah blah! But, what about the rest of the time when you send our boys off all week only to come home for the weekends to have dinner with the company where wives are NOT invited and then they have training all day Saturday followed by drinks and another round of solo dinner. Just because a good bit of the construction business is filled with drunken, adulterous bastards does not by any means signify that they entire industry is made up of them. Some actually like their wives and enjoy the time they spend together and look forward to moments and traditions with or without children involved. In other words…suck it R. J. Griffin. You are not about family so stop pretending you are. There are only dollar signs in your eyes!!! At some point, those who know me had to see this coming.

If it's all gonna happen sometime...then why not now?

*SIDE NOTE* sorry in advance Wes but you did marry me knowing that I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut and tonight instead of having awesome anniversary sexy time I’m blogging on my computer like a LLLLOOOOOSSSSSSSEEERRRR and it sucks a big one! I know it’s not your fault and I still love you more than anything but so that I wouldn’t get mad at you for something you can’t help, I needed to get this off my chest to whoever is out there listening! No one you work with know reads this damn thing anyway!


  1. Angi Tracy MulcahyMarch 31, 2010 at 9:21 PM

    That was really awesome! WOW!

  2. Hey sis! Well... hope you feel better at least! :) Yeah, it really sucks the values this nation lowered itself too. I am 100% positive that its not just you fighting this battle. One day Wes will get his. God has a plan and wether or not its with RJ Griffin, time will only tell. All I can say is be glad for the time you get together. It makes things seem not as big of a deal when you look at the big picture. Think about all those wives and husbands of soldiers who not only spend months apart but also never know if they will see each other again. It gives you something to be thankful for. I know how frustrating it can be. I never get holidays with Maurizio and we weren't together even our 1st anniversary. There are times a wake up and he is already gone to work and when he comes home I am already asleep. Just remember how lucky we are to have such great guys who love us so much!!! Love you seester!
