Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Return of the Crazy Old Man

I'm afraid this old man is never going to stop appearing in the Women's Only section of the Y; and because I'm not that great of a writer I've video what he does so that you can maybe get a real picture of the craziness that comes from him. He isn't like a feeble old man, maybe in his mid 60's or something and looks seriously close to an actor I can't think of the name or where I've seen him, but he's bald on top with brown hair on the sides and back and I think he plays a police man or a police chief or something. Anyway, here it is...

I know i've forgotten some other things he does. I tried to rush home fast so I wouldn't forget, but it didn't help. The thrusting has to be the creepiest, especially since he's in the women's area surrounded by a bunch of girls. Oh I just remembered, he also does his thrusting while laying down on him back on a towel and makes noises along with it. I hope soon he realizes there's an area for him or that someone tells him. I just know it won't be me because I don't think I can even look at him straight without laughing. Until then I guess he'll just be spastically waving his arms and pelvis around like a crazy person. Hopefully, I'll be able to change my workout schedule to avoid him.

If it's gonna happen sometime...
     then why not now?

1 comment:

  1. I think that is the same guy who used to do the nsync bye bye bye dance on a step aerobics step at the Y. How is he still allowed to go there?
